



BakeMark Products Used

Brand Product or Type SKU Link
Westco Ultra Rich Creme Cake Mix 11644
Westco Butter Emulsion 12195
Westco #5 Imitation Vanilla Flavor 12070
Westco Vanilla Dipping Icing 19529
C'est Vivant Semi Sweet Chocolate Chips 74706

Alternate Products Used

Brand Product or Type SKU Link
Westco Vanilla Creme Cake 38260
Westco Butter Emulsion 04267
BakeMark Dark Imitation Vanilla 17751



Combine and mix on low for 1 minute (mix the flavors with the water prior to combining):

6 LB Westco Ultra Rich Crème Cake Mix
1 LB Water
12 oz. Whole eggs
½ oz. Westco Butter Emulsion
1 LB BakeSense Oil
½ oz. Westco #5 Imitation Vanilla Flavor 1 LB Granulated sugar
1 LB Nuts (chopped or whole) 1 LB C’est Vivant Semi Sweet Chocolate Chips


Place batter in a paper lined full sheet pan and spread even. Bake at 325-350°F for 22-25 minutes. Blondies will be done when internal temperature reaches 209°F.


Let blondies cool completely. Turn out of pan and drizzle with Westco Vanilla Dipping Icing heated to 105-110°F. Cut to desired size pieces.