
Since 2008, BakeMark has been offering online ordering to customers as a convenient way to order what you need to successfully run your bakery operation. That solution is expanding and is now called Sup-R-Shop.

At BakeMark, we’ve always been focused on helping our customers succeed and that’s what Sup-R-Shop online ordering delivers. Our expert BakeMark Sales Associates will offer this service to BakeMark customers who qualify, all in the efforts to streamline ordering so more time can be focused on growth. Sup-R-Shop will enable BakeMark customers to view the industry’s largest product portfolio and make easy, convenient purchases online. This will give access to today’s leading brands and products, including Westco®, BakeSense®, Multifoods® and Trigal Dorado®.

If you do not yet have an account, please feel free to email us at information@bakemark.com and provide us with your bakery address, email address and BakeMark customer #.