
Whole Wheat Sourdough Baguettes

Whole Wheat Sourdough Baguettes

There is nothing better than waking up to the succulent smell of warm sourdough bread freshly baked. BakeMark’s line of Sourdough bases makes it simple for  baker fill their bakeries with that aroma to say Good Morning to their customers. Talk with your sales reps about BakeMarks line of bread bases and mixes.


BakeMark Products Used

Brand Product or Type SKU Link
White Flour
Whole Wheat Flour
BakeSense Dry Yeast 50712
Westco Artisan California Sourdough base 38140


White Flour (60%) 6LB

Whole Wheat Flour (40%) 4LB

Dry Yeast (1.66%) 3OZ

Westco Artisan California Sourdough base (10%) 1LB

Water (65%) 6LB 8OZ

  1. Incorporate all ingredients on 1st speed for 5 minutes
  2. Mix on 2nd speed until full gluten development 5-6 minutes. Desired dough temperature is 75°F
  3. Bulk ferment dough for 15 minutes
  4. Divide dough to 10 oz and pre shape. Bench rest dough for 15 minutes.
  5. Final shape as a baguette.
  6. Proof 45 minutes at 90°F and 80% humidity.
  7. Dust baguettes with flour if desired and score.
  8. Bake at 420°F for 20 minutes.1