
Crème Puff

Crème Puff


BakeMark Products Used

Brand Product or Type SKU Link
Westco Éclair Mix 30188
BakeSense Whipped Topping 11200
Westco Coating Sugar 09411

Alternate Products Used

Brand Product or Type SKU Link
Trigal Dorado Pastry Topping 06590



Mix the paste following the directions provided on the bag of Westco Éclair Mix for a small batch.


Place the paste in a pastry bag with a large star tip (or a large plain tip for a smooth finish). On a paper lined baking sheet pipe, pipe 1” to 3″ circles depending on the size of the crème puffs you desire.


Bake in a 375°F convection oven for approx. 45 minutes or until puffs are completely dried. Do not open the oven door for at least the first 15 minutes to prevent collapsing.


  • Cut crème puff in half and fill with BakeSense Whipped Topping using a large star tip.
  • Place the tops back on and dust with Westco Coating Sugar.