
Almond Poppy Ring Cake

Almond Poppy Ring Cake


BakeMark Products Used

Brand Product or Type SKU Link
Westco Ultra Rich Crème 11644
BakeSense Poppy Seeds 73222
Westco Almond Emulsion 12037
Westco Apri-Glo Glaze 08003

Alternate Products Used

Brand Product or Type SKU Link
Westco Vanilla Crème Cake Mix 38260
BakeMark Almond Emulsion 56570



Mix the batter following the directions provided on each bag of Westco Ultra Rich Crème Cake Mix for a small batch.

For each 5 LB of batter, add 3 oz. BakeSense Poppy Seeds and 1 oz. Westco Almond Emulsion.


Grease some 10” ring pans thoroughly and cover the bottom with sliced almonds.

Deposit 2 LB 8 oz. of batter into each ring pan.


Bake at 330-365°F for 55-60 minutes or until internal temperature reaches 205°F. Let cakes cool 20 minutes before removing from pans.


Let’s the cakes cool completely. Bring Westco Apri-Glo to a rolling boil.  Brush each cake with a thin coat of the heated Westco Apri-Glo. Sprinkle some toasted sliced almonds on the top of the cakes before the coating dries.