
Peppermint Chocolate Donuts

Peppermint Chocolate Donuts

Is there any flavor more synonymous with the holidays than peppermint?

The iconic red and white swirl is seen everywhere and anywhere during the holiday season. Food is absolutely no exception. From peppermint mocha lattes at the coffee shop to peppermint-flavored candies at the grocery and convenience stores, there is nearly something everywhere you look.

Bring peppermint to the bakery!

BakeMark can help you bring peppermint to the bakery in a whole new way – and it’s EASY!

When you start making Peppermint Chocolate Donuts, you’ll see how quickly people flock to the donut case and clear you out, day after day. From the decadent chocolate flavor to the cool peppermint finish, people will be raving about how delicious these donuts are.

It IS the season of giving…

In this season of giving, not only will your customers be raving about the donuts – they’ll be sharing them too! With holiday parties just around the corner, co-workers won’t enjoy sharing some holiday cheer with one another. Why not do it with a perfectly delicious and seasonal donut?

…and you’ll also be receiving!

When your customers start lining up at the bakery counter for these Peppermint Chocolate donuts, you’re going to see your sales climbing not only because they are selling out continuously, but also because with BakeMark, we create perfect solutions to crafting donuts and other bakery items, meaning more money stays in your pocket! Check out just how easy it is to create your own holiday masterpieces! 


BakeMark Products Used

Brand Product or Type SKU Link
Westco Choc-O-Donut Cake Donut Mix 09837
BakeSense Palm Fry Shortening 17231
Westco Pure Peppermint Emulsion 16231
Westco Vanilla Dipping Icing 19529

Alternate Products Used

Brand Product or Type SKU Link
Westco Devils Food Cake Donut Mix 50370
BakeSense IE Fry Shortening 17240



  • Dough: Scale and mix Westco Choc-O-Donut Cake Donut Mix according to the instructions on the bag for a small batch adding ¼ Oz. Westco Pure Peppermint Emulsion to the mix. Use your scale to weight all the ingredients, including the water. Use your thermometer to determine the proper water temperature to achieve a dough temperature of 72°F. Let the batter rest for 15 minutes.
  • Peppermint Dipping Icing: Combine ½ oz. Westco Pure Peppermint Emulsion with 10 LB Westco Vanilla Dipping Icing heated to 105°F


Fry at 375°F for 55-60 seconds per side in BakeSense Palm Fry Shortening. Drain the donuts for 60 seconds. Let the donuts completely cool down.


  • Form fritters. Proof in a dry proof box until fritters reach half of their final size. Do not over proof as this will increase fat absorption. Let the fritters sit 10 minutes after removing them from the proofer and before frying.
  • Fry at 375°F for 75 seconds per side in BakeSense Palm Fry Shortening.


After the donuts have completely cooled down, dip them in Peppermint Dipping Icing (see recipe above) heated to 105°F. Before the icing sets sprinkle crushed peppermint on the top of the donuts.