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Cherry Apple Pie

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Cherry Apple Pie

Yield: 72 – 8” pies

Apple pie is one of those deserts that is a constant year round. Whether it be summer, fall, winter or spring there is always an occasion for a warm apple pie. Then we have Cherry Pie! a perfect staple for those Summer months. With cherries not always being readily available BakeMark’s Gold Seal Cherry Filling is a great option to bring cherry pies year round. Marry those cherries with some apples and and you have unique sweet and tart dessert for your customers to enjoy year round! This Cherry Apple Pie is sure to be a hit!


Item #
BakeSense®Palm All Purpose Shortening17220
Westco®Gold Seal Whole Cherry Filling34262
Westco®Sliced Apple Filling08145
BakeSense®Ground Cinnamon73142



Mix 18 LB unbleached pastry flour (at 60°F) and 8 oz. milk powder for 2 minutes on low speed.

Gradually add 9 LB BakeSense All Purpose Palm Shortening (at 55-60°F) cut in small pieces until the mixture forms crumbles the size of small peas.

Dissolve 8 oz. sugar and 4 oz. salt into 8 LB ice cold water (make sure water does not contain any ice chips). Use your scale to weight all ingredients, including the liquids.

Slowly add flavored water into mixture. Mix only until water is absorbed. Do not over mix. Mixture should not be a paste.

Place pie dough on pan and place in cooler for at least 6 hours or in freezer if storing longer.

Prepare Cobber Style Streusel by combining 4 LB Westco Ultra Rich Crème Cake, 12 oz. rolled oats, 8 oz. dark brown sugar, 1 LB BakeSense All Purpose Palm Shortening and ¼ oz. BakeSense Ground Cinnamon on low speed. Mix until the mixture forms small lumps.


Remove dough from cooler and let it sit until it reaches room temperature.

Scale 5 oz. piece of dough and roll out enough to cover an 8” pie pan. Place the dough in pie pan. Trim the edges.

Fill the pie shell with equal parts Westco Gold Seal Apple Filling and Westco Gold Seal Cherry Filling. Brush the rim with egg wash. Roll out a rectangular piece of pie dough 1/8” thick. Egg wash and cut into 1” wide strips or shapes. Top the pie with the dough pieces as shown on picture above. Sprinkle cobbler style streusel around edges.


Bake at 400°F in a convection oven for approx. 35-40 minutes or until the pies are a rich golden brown color.

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