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NATIONAL DONUT DAY IS JUNE 4 – YAY! Let’s Get #NationalDonutDay Trending

All eyes will be on National Donut Day 2021 on Friday, June 4th as the nation focuses on everyone’s favorite treat – the donut. This year, the celebration is especially meaningful because of the bakery industry’s importance throughout the entirety of the pandemic. The donut has been a mainstay during the toughest times because it is delicious, inexpensive, filling, and provides a sense of satisfaction and comfort – exactly what the country needed during the highs and lows of Covid-19 regulations.


National Donut Day 2021 presents a tremendous marketing opportunity for YOU. Take pictures of your product and your store and post them on your favorite social media platform. Use the hashtag #NationalDonutDay to generate local excitement, and encourage your customers to do the same. Big trend equals big sales! The bigger the trend, the bigger your sales can grow.

Of course, there will also be widespread media coverage, and local and national news teams will be covering the event – both in the field and in the studio. The publicity will drive customers to donut stores and bakeries all weekend. This is an excellent chance to make a favorable impression on new customers and customers who are just resurfacing from pandemic fatigue. What better way to expand your customer base than with delicious donuts! Be prepared for large orders for group gatherings. Schedule a number of small bakes so your best product is always as fresh as possible.


Your BakeMark Sales Representative can be a key “teammate” to help you maximize this one day event. He or she has window posters and package stickers to help you advertise – FREE for the asking! These materials will help you, your salesclerks, and your bakers start suggestive selling with customers and passersby. It’s not too early to start talking about June 4 – right now. Don’t wait for the last minute. In fact, it’s never too early to turn EVERY day into an event celebrating the donut.


How was National Donut Day born, anyway? Well, in 1938, the Chicago branch of the Salvation Army began the tradition by honoring female members (“donut lassies”) who bravely served donuts to front-line soldiers in World War I. At the same time, they used the occasion to raise funds for the needy during the Great Depression. It was a sweet and meaningful event then and an enormously popular tradition now.

Talk with your Sales Representative TODAY and get the festivities started in your shop!

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