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All Rise! Evidence for Correct Yeast & Dough Handling

In the “court of raised product deliciousness,” the proper handling of yeast stands out as key elements to great product.  The main function of yeast in raised mix is to produce carbon dioxide gas.  This gas causes the dough to rise and make your raised product light, airy, and delicious, but it will only work properly if the yeast is fermented properly.  Three critical factors for correct fermentation include 1) dough temperature, 2) bench time, and 3) proofing. 


Yeast works well in the temperature range of 78°f to 82°f.  Cooler than 78°f, the yeast ferments too slowly and produces a low level of carbon dioxide.  Warmer than 82°f, the yeast produces gas too rapidly, and some of the yeast cells will be killed, so no carbon dioxide gas will be produced by them at all. 


The purpose of bench time is to bring the yeast from the dormant stage to the active stage so that it will produce the correct amount of carbon dioxide gas.  If the bench time is too short, the dough will be less elastic and have weak flavor.  If the bench time is too long, volume could be lost in the proofing process; the donuts will shrink during frying; the texture will be coarse; and the flavor will not be up to your standards.  Always let the dough rise on the bench for approximately 45 minutes before proofing. 



During the proofing stage, the yeast continues to produce large amounts of carbon dioxide gas in the dough.  Proper proofing contributes to “sealing” the skin of the donut.  The two important factors for proper proofing are correct temperature and correct moisture. 

As a general guide, the temperature of your proof box should be around 95°f, and the amount of moisture in the air should be regulated so there is a mist in the inside of the proof box door.  If you see light moisture on the door, you know the humidity level is ideal for dough-rising.  By the way, local weather conditions also play into your proof box variables.  Make adjustments according to the heat and humidity in your area. 


Your BakeMark Sales Representative has the knowledge and experience to personally help you with every bakery detail – from product trends to technical production issues to color choices and display case designs to yeast fermentation and proof box procedures.  He or she is the best of the best and a valuable member of your team! Always remember:  BakeMark is here to help.


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