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HOORAY, it is Almost Nation Donut Day!

Let’s get #NationalDonutDay trending

It is one of our favorite national holidays. It entails the love for donuts, love for veterans, and love for heroes. What’s not to love?!

What are you doing on Friday, June 3rd? Well, it’s National Donut Day, so I hope you’re planning to enjoy some delicious donuts from one of your valued donut shops. Better yet, you do not have to wait until June 3rd, as the celebrating can start now!

Beyond the Celebration of the Donut

This is one of our favorite holidays because it celebrates our great heroes – our military veterans. They have sacrificed so much for us all and while they deserve much more praise and celebration, we honor them on National Donut Day. Maybe you are thinking – what do veterans have to do with donuts? Great question! This holiday dates back to 1938, when the Salvation Army began commemorating the veterans, the Salvation Army volunteer Lassies, and the relief efforts during WWI. The Lassies went into the battle zones to help care for the soldiers and the most requested snack by the soldiers became the donut. Hence, National Donut Day being established to celebrate veterans and donuts. Two of America’s great passions.

Spreading the Donut Love

The past two years during COVID-19 heroes have emerged from all occupations. Doctors, nurses, and hospital staff went into the unknown and put their health and well-being on the line to save lives. What better way to celebrate their heroism than with DONUTS! So the official National Donut Day poster has made sure to recognize those heroes as well, and well deserved.

National Donut Day Readiness

National Donut Day 2022 presents a tremendous marketing opportunity for YOU. Take pictures of your product and your store and post them on your favorite social media platform. Use the hashtag #NationalDonutDay to generate local excitement, and encourage your customers to do the same. Big trend equals big sales! The bigger the trend, the bigger your sales can grow. Of course, there will also be widespread media coverage, and local and national news teams will be covering the event – both in the field and in the studio. The publicity will drive customers to donut stores and bakeries all weekend. This is an excellent chance to make a favorable impression on new customers. What better way to expand your customer base than with delicious donuts! Be prepared for large orders for group gatherings. Schedule a number of small bakes so your best product is always as fresh as possible.

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