
Birthday Cake Donut

Birthday Cake Donut


BakeMark Products Used

Brand Product or Type SKU Link
Westco Richblend Cake Donut Mix 09800
Westco Cream Bokay Emulsion 121717
Sprinkelina Rainbow #6 Sprinkle Mix 92277
Westco Vanilla Dipping Icing 19529
Westco Pink Liquid Color 11717
Westco Blue Liquid Color 11701
Westco Orange Liquid Color 11719



Scale and mix 4.5 lbs of Richblend Cake Donut Mix with 2lbs of water. Use your scale to weight all the ingredients, including the water, .8 oz of Westco Cream Bokay Emulsion, and 8 oz of Sprinkelina Rainbow #6 Sprinkles. Use your thermometer to determine the proper water temperature to achieve a dough temperature of 72°F. Let the batter rest for 15 minutes.


Fry at 375°F for 55-60 seconds per side in BakeSense Palm Fry Shortening. Drain the donuts for 60 seconds. Let the donuts completely cool down.


Using Westco liquid colors, color 2.5 lbs. of Westco Vanilla dipping icing to your liking. After the donuts have cooled, dip their tops in your colored dipping Icing heated to 105-110°F. Garnish with some more Sprinkelina Rainbow #6 sprinkles